I am a third year undergraduate having a keen interest in exploring everything around. I have a
strong passion for public speaking, building webapps with innovative software solutions, content
marketing and community management. I have been blessed with an amazing family.
This website
compiles my diverse experiences and ideas.
I have worked on several technologies and have very high interest in Cloud and Python.
It is a simple virtual assistant like amazon alexa and google assistant.
Know MoreIt is full stack blogging website with login and signup feature and and all other features of blogging website
Know MoreIt generates the shopping bill according to the items selected and automatically calculates the GST
Know MoreCalculates age & compare the ages & calculates BMI, warns for increase or decrerase in weight etc.
Know MoreThis is the Google Assistant skill. Basically a trivia game on the theme of Harry Potter.
Know MoreA student led Tech. community driven under Microsoft.
QnA intern at careers 360 to give personalized councilling to students regarding college, course,exams,degree in medical,law, engineering,etc.
Secondary Cities is a initiative of the US Department of State, aimed at mapping healthcare infrastructure slum household and risks in 14 countries in the world. In India, Indore is the first city to be included in the project. The Indore project (named 2C Indore) is managed by Acropolis Institute of Technology and Research, with support from Colorado State University, American Association of Geographers and Kathmandu Living Labs.
Indore,Madhya Pradesh
(+91) 9993647182